Legal notice

Website Publisher

This website is owned and operated by UNI Global Union, Nyon, Switzerland. Company registered in Switzerland.

The main office is located at Avenue Reverdil 8-10, 1260 Nyon, Switzerland.


Contact details

By mail, to the postal address indicated below;

By using the contact form on the website:

By telephone, at the contact number: +41 22 365 2100

By e-mail, using the e-mail address:


Website host

This website is hosted by Hostinger (, servers located in Europe (France).


Graphic design and development

The graphic design and development of the site were carried out by Steppers Studio ( ).

Rue Fernand Bernier 15

1060 Saint-Gilles

Brussels – Belgium


Website maintenance

The content is updated by UNI-Global Union

Technical maintenance is carried out by Steppers Studio ( ).


Outils de campagne

Actions et évènements

UNI Global Union, 8-10 Ave Reverdil, 1260 Nyon, Switzerland.
© UNI Global Union 2022.
Tel: +41 22 365 21 00